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Compared with traditional hearing aids, dental implant hearing aids could offer “excellent concealment, good comfort and improved quality of sound,” the researchers write.

If it’s passed at the March 4 annual meeting, the company will have to publish a public report on the use of concealment clauses in cases of discrimination or harassment.

In some cases, concealment operates even on the surface of the image.

The temptations and seductions that are bound up with such power and concealment form one of Thomson’s main themes.

Severson, Aguirre and attorneys Thomas Girardi and Larry Shea last month filed a lawsuit alleging waste of city funds and a “misrepresentation and concealment of material facts” that led the city to enter into a one-sided real estate deal.

Efron, in a blink, went from shy concealment to peacock-ish display.

In contrast to this pattern of accidental or deliberate concealment there were some well-advertised flourishes of national pride.

At the News of the World, he said his concealment techniques grew lax and he started using company phones.

If money is spent on concealment, what is that money but a campaign expenditure?

And maybe its concealment showed his victory over those lures, of both the flesh and the brush.

I never trouble my head about details; it is enough, the man is a political refugee, and his object concealment.

What was equally important, a thick clump of cottonwood and willow furnished tolerably secure concealment.

The friends of the monarchy soon found all efforts at concealment unavailing.

The church on the conversion of Constantine emerged from the concealment of the Catacombs to the sunshine of imperial favour.

But the institutions of the United Provinces were not well fitted for the purpose of concealment.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


