

View definitions for camouflaged


adjective as in masked

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A barefoot corpse in camouflaged khakis is being carried into the street, partially wrapped in rug, as I enter the house.

She camouflaged her disability by learning to lip-read in multiple languages.

The equivalent of another 70 pages was copied but camouflaged, with just a word tweaked here and there.

He told visitors that the low din camouflaged all conversation from a wide, indiscriminate inventory of sinister interests.

Just before we hit this obstacle, it swung open revealing itself as a camouflaged gate.

Hundreds of letters camouflaged with good wishes and invariably asking favours.

Here was a tiny ambuscade roofed over with sod and camouflaged on its one side with dead herbage, wherein two soldiers crouched.

It was concealed under an improvised shed carefully camouflaged, and was brought out on rails, in a horizontal position.

Children were balancing themselves on the barrels of abandoned German cannon and climbing about the huge camouflaged trucks.

Cigars were camouflaged cabbage-leaves, with little or no flavor, and the beer sadly fallen off from its pre-war glory.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


