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Lucia said their initial interaction felt tense and awkward — but it helped that they were wearing nearly the same color and style of ankle boots.

Between those two things, there was almost no way to stop the timing from being very awkward.

Being able to hear people’s voices made them feel significantly closer to the stranger and turned out not to be more awkward than text-chatting.

At some unknown point, another manzanita sprouted, unrecognized and in a most awkward spot.

Cody won Head of Household over Enzo and Nicole, meaning he could decide whom to take to the final two — a situation made more awkward by the fact that he had promised both of them he would remain loyal to the end.

It also contains some clunky passages of adultery, temptations of the flesh, and general sexual awkwardness.

In a romantic relationship, facing humiliation or awkwardness is a strong possibility.

Now for the complications and awkwardness, to say nothing of elbows and gossip and rivalries and all that other stuff.

It is glorious in its stilted awkwardness, and should be cherished.

With two Texans in the running as potential candidates, Sessions sought to diffuse any awkwardness.

How could she readily become accustomed to such without displaying awkwardness.

This arrangement saves that awkwardness attendant upon entering the room and taking the position before a large company.

Ethel, after the awkwardness was over, thought no more of the matter, but went on in full enjoyment f the feast.

Massinger and Field accepted frankly the structural awkwardness of their plot as they had fashioned or found it.

Some of the congregation do the business gracefully; others get through it like the very grandfather of awkwardness.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


