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noun as in deficit

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The divergence in indebtedness happens as an unbalanced global economic recovery exacerbates fears that the post-pandemic world will be even more unequal.

On “Song in E,” she admits that “it’s the mercy I can’t take,” the feelings of indebtedness to loved ones who continue to support her.

“NewLight did this both to resolve all past indebtedness owed by the hospital, but also as a gesture of good will,” Hughes said.

And we will enslave our children to a hopeless future of indebtedness.

I cant let you increase your indebtedness, and his pudgy hand lifted the basket and put it on the shelf behind him.

But a bank can retain a dividend that has been declared to reduce the indebtedness of the owner to the bank for his stock.

For, to do this is to reduce its assets or fund for paying its indebtedness, which the law will not permit to be done.

A corporation has no lien on its stock for the indebtedness of the owner unless conferred by charter or statute.

In reply to the question as to his indebtedness, the client or the patient is told: "What you please."


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


