adjective as in comforting
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in conciliatory
adjective as in lenient
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- allowing
- amiable
- assuasive
- being big
- benignant
- charitable
- clement
- complaisant
- condoning
- easy
- easygoing
- emollient
- excusing
- favoring
- forbearing
- gentle
- going easy on
- good-natured
- humoring
- kind
- kindly
- letting
- live with
- loving
- merciful
- mild
- mollycoddling
- obliging
- pampering
- pardoning
- permitting
- soft
- soft-shell
- softhearted
- sparing
- spoiling
- tender
- yielding
adjective as in satisfactory
Example Sentences
Chung’s fears were assuaged when his resulting film, Minari, was widely embraced at early screenings.
I have taken countless Zoom meetings gesticulating to my kids or trying to assuage a frisky puppy out of frame.
He has to figure out how to assuage the anger of the significant chunk of Republicans and Democrats who believe, deep in their gut, that the people who belong to the other party are not just wrong — they’re bad.
It did seek to assuage fears, however, by repeatedly assuring Singaporeans that the data collected with such technology would be used only for contact tracing during the pandemic.
All of this may help assuage critics who view Bitcoin mining as an environmental disaster.
But it will also be because of the verbal assuaging of his conscience.
These two fellows have been successful, for they are assuaging the pangs of hunger by smoking their odds and ends.
What malevolent power forced him to be the cause of this sorrow and yet forbade him the privilege of assuaging it?
He went from sufferer to sufferer; moistening the lips, assuaging the agony of the body, and striving to save the soul.
His will was rendered indomitable by the splendid hope of assuaging human pain.
I succeeded in assuaging her grief and we confined ourselves to writing denials to our friends in America.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.