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These peculiar characters live in 26 tightly drawn narratives that feature Kawakami’s signature unsparing and clever prose.

From Time

The media, yes, could amplify the name by saying it, but it’s curious to ask the media not to invade your privacy and potentially endanger safety when you have done the same in such unsparing detail in the name of art.

The author is unsparing in detailing her rise in the public health field, sharing her experiences as an immigrant from China, her family receiving food stamps and how she went to college at just 13 years old.

From Time

The Father is a polished piece of work but an unsparing one, offering no false assurances.

From Time

The Government Accountability Office, the nonpartisan auditing agency that works for Congress, was unsparing about the problems with unemployment statistics, as part of a lengthy report that looked at the country’s response to the coronavirus.

Always spare, often forceful, Ryan Adams alternates tough pop songs with tender, unsparing ballads.

The report of his anguish at that absence is unsparing, and brutally convincing.

A year ago, 31 congressional Republicans sent a letter to President Obama demanding a tough, unsparing investigation.

Acclaimed documentarian Werner Herzog takes an unsparing look at the death penalty in his new film, 'Into the Abyss.'

Sabina Rios, the protagonist, makes unsparing observations about a threatening world.

Without this zealous, unsparing, and devoted assistance, we could not have found time to execute the work.

He was merciful toward erring women, but was unsparing toward every one who exploited them for gain.

Gentle with others, he was severe with himself, and was unsparing in his acts of mortification and devotion.

Mackenzie took up the Latin grammar, marking off her next lesson, and piling it on with unsparing hand, too.

He was a stranger, and a man unsparing of his horse, pushing it uphill and down with unaltered speed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


