

View definitions for galore


adjective as in in abundance

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We’re looking back at some of the many high notes the year brought to the news cycle, which included celebrity pregnancy announcement galore and lots of new arrivals.

The scope of the world is ambitious, with detail and content galore even in the briefest of interactions.

The SEO industry holds opportunities galore to gain leadership skills, work with top companies, and earn a good salary.

However, the number of protein replacement competitors continues to expand with startup companies galore looking to pitch meatless alternatives to the burger.

The seven-mile Chippewa Moraine segment, which threads around 20 kettle lakes with campsites galore, makes for a perfect long weekend.

Just as goals galore have defined this World Cup in Brazil, so too have the men whose job it is to stifle and stop those goals.

He showed a fictional version of himself sexually attacking a woman in a different episode and behold, think pieces galore.

He bought the weapon at Guns Galore, a local Killeen gun shop where Hasan purchased one of the guns used in his 2009 attack.

So there we have it—pregnant virgins galore on this happy winter solstice celebration.

There are long pans, slo-mo shots of characters strutting down corridors, dazzling costumes, and hairdos galore.

He wore the ring, as well he might, for his trade was a profitable one, and he had wives and cattle galore.

Yes, here were letters and telegrams galore, some readdressed from Newport, and others sent direct.

And Roberta is abroad with her family and is having adventures galore in London.

To that end she had wasted any number of cheap pads and pencils, and had littered her mother's tidy rooms with "sketches" galore.

There were shirtwaists and blouses galore, but it was too early for many wash-skirts to be going to the laundress.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


