adjective as in criminal
adjective as in impious
Weak matches
- agnostic
- apostate
- atheistic
- blasphemous
- canting
- contrary
- deceitful
- defiling
- desecrating
- desecrative
- diabolic
- disobedient
- disrespectful
- godless
- hardened
- hypocritical
- iconoclastic
- iniquitous
- irreligious
- irreverent
- perverted
- profane
- recusant
- reprobate
- sacrilegious
- sanctimonious
- satanic
- scandalous
- sinful
- unctuous
- undutiful
- unethical
- unfaithful
- ungodly
- unhallowed
- unholy
- unregenerate
- unsanctified
- wayward
- wicked
adjective as in improper
adjective as in sinful
adjective as in unjust
adjective as in wicked
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- abandoned
- abominable
- amoral
- arch
- atrocious
- bad news
- base
- contemptible
- debased
- degenerate
- depraved
- dissolute
- egregious
- fiendish
- flagitious
- foul
- gross
- guilty
- heartless
- heinous
- immoral
- impious
- incorrigible
- indecent
- iniquitous
- irreligious
- low-down
- mean
- nefarious
- profane
- reprobate
- rotten
- scandalous
- shameful
- shameless
- sinful
- unethical
- unprincipled
- vile
- worthless
adjective as in wrong
Strong matches
Example Sentences
And they rule, my good girl, over all men, and whatever they decree it's always unrighteous.
It is this terrible thirst, fraught with sin that leaneth unto unrighteous acts.
Yet who dreams of accusing the parental relation as therefore unrighteous and mischievous?
It was through perjured testimony that He finally received unrighteous condemnation and was sent to His death.
After a careful investigation of the official documents, Cobden became convinced that those were utterly unrighteous proceedings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.