

View definitions for unjustified


adjective as in not justified

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Several major food exporting countries, led by Canada, complained at a World Trade Organization meeting this month that China’s screening procedures amount to “unjustified restrictions on trade,” according to Reuters.

From Fortune

Rather, there is now global consensus that Google gained unjustified advantages through preferentially treating its own services within its general search results pages by displaying various forms of grouped specialised search results.

Law enforcement's morale is pretty low right now, given the criticism they face, in many cases, unjustified criticism they face from the media as soon as there's an officer-involved shooting.

Shifting more police work online could limit physical interactions that have sometimes led to tragic and unjustified shooting deaths.

From Ozy

It is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear, or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death.

Today, 13 years later, there have been no police shootings of young men in which the facts proved unjustified use of force.

Al-Deeb called the charges unjustified, and the lengthy imprisonment “unfair.”

But the hallmark of these betrayals is that they are impulsive and unjustified.

I guess what I would say is it seems unjustified and ill advised.

Van Meegeren found one of the feedback loops that generate unjustified belief.

The presumption that people did not study nature in the olden time is quite unjustified.

Even if the imperfect is the true reading, which is improbable, this translation is unjustified.

But the conclusion is entirely unjustified that this condition indicates the lack of breath-control.

But as soon as doubt, justified or unjustified, occurs, the question takes quite a different form.

Against such combinations, external and unjustified, not even the most educated and skilful is safe.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


