Example Sentences
The high trill of ice tinkling and falling from Fraser firs serenaded me as I tramped my boots along the soggy forest floor.
A symphony of mobile phone notifications trilled across Hong Kong on Saturday as residents received text messages reminding them to vote in the legislative election.
Part of the song is a trill and part of it is more of an oo sound, though the particulars can vary.
I speak to him in Korean, and I interpret his trills as Korean responses.
The collection included t-shirts featuring street wear brand Been Trill, jeans, and hoodies.
Even assuming full extension of Bush tax cuts, which add their own $5 trillion or so to the deficit, Romney adds another $3 trill.
If it passed the inspection, he would nod contentedly, trill out a gay refrain, and replace it on the easel for further study.
A trill, or rapid reiteration of two notes comprehending an interval not greater than one whole tone, nor less than a semitone.
Then from somewhere above him came such a trill of demoniacal laughter as chilled his blood.
My comrade sings in such a way that I am sure the nightingales outside will cease to trill from pure envy.
Some singers have this gift; Mme. Melba is one who never had to study a trill, for she was born with a nightingale in her throat.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.