Example Sentences
Miss Manners understands your mother-in-law’s not wanting to put friends and family to work, although she might have found a more tactful way to express it to your wife.
The response from the national Kappa KappaGamma organization took a very similar, albeit more tactful, approach.
Various media outfits have already praised Beyoncé and Jay Z's tactful approach to their Anne Frank House experience.
The tactful Hamad manages to patch up relations, and the two are photographed sitting together on a sofa later that day.
Similarly, in pop culture, the man who was originally deemed inadequate is lifted to her level through tactful speech.
I think that is going to change, and the most vivid, tactful demonstration of change is the election of Obama.
But she was a very tactful person and was about to drop the subject, when Isabel slowly turned her eyes.
He had tried to soften his reply, but not being politic or tactful had succeeded only in expressing himself more brusquely.
This, or else a tactful absenteeism, became their custom whenever licencing matters came up to be discussed.
He felt he had not been tactful, but he was very tired, and if he ventured an explanation might make things worse.
No one knew how to flatter in so tactful a manner, particularly in portraits of ladies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.