Example Sentences
While searching for primate fossils in northern India, paleontologist Christopher Gilbert noticed something small and shiny poking out of the dirt.
The shiny yellow stuff hasn’t been a great bet over the past 30 days.
Curiosity is restive, always threatening to chase the next shiny object that pops into view.
The city didn’t do a very good job vetting the purchase of this tall building Sempra had evacuated for its new shiny one by the ballpark.
San Diego has a storied past with shiny renderings of all shapes and sizes, stadiums and arenas and professional sports.
But beneath all the shiny esteem, the 25-year-old Wright led a seedy double life.
Poking out of the shiny gold pages is a “distinctive silk marker”—also gold—which “complements the color of the leather.”
But foodies today are always chasing the next shiny or sweet object.
On the GOP side, everybody wanted their own shiny Super PAC.
Expect rhinestone realness from pop's current queen of all things shiny, girly, and extravagant.
He got down ponderously from his stool and squeaked out behind the long counter in his shiny boots.
An hour later, with a nice, shiny new padlock, I went back to the composing-room.
She thought she was making the hat look quite nice and shiny; but she nearly spoiled it.
It was a little bigger than the Toyman's hand and round and flat and shiny red and gold.
"You must do some more work, yourselves," he told them as he handed each one of the shiny green cans.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.