

View definitions for spread around

spread around

verb as in pronounce

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So more than half of this outside money is now spread around behind either partial or total secrecy.

Money is like fertilizer; when hoarded it stinks, when spread around, things grow.

“Western beauty ideals and the idea of Paris as the capital of beauty really spread around the world,” he tells The Daily Beast.

There are about 65,000 African asylum seekers spread around Israel, with a significant number concentrated in south Tel Aviv.

The sludge was sent by rail and spread around on a defunct resort ranch near Sierra Blanca.

The fowls were spread around the neighborhood and were much sought after, but had as yet no name.

The flames of thee, who art great, spread around; thy rays touch the heaven.

The night was well on—it was about one o'clock in the morning; the moon spread around a dazzling light, almost as clear as day.

I had turned cold, and the warmth it spread around me did me good.

He sat upon a copper stool, with a leopard-skin carpet spread around him, and was attended by about ten of his principal chiefs.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


