verb as in support idea or cause publicly
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The District has so far managed to avoid a second spike in cases at nursing homes, a feat that industry advocates attribute in large part to regular, government-funded testing for all employees, industry advocates say.
Disabilities advocates say putting children in seclusion rooms is inhumane and causes lasting trauma, though some school officials say they need the option to educate students with significant behavioral challenges.
Akilah Richards, host of the podcast, “Fare of the Free Child,” and leading advocate in the self-directed education movement, said something on an episode that shook the ground for me.
As many betting and prediction market advocates claim, the value of using betting odds to predict political outcomes stems from the fact that “odds are based on people placing real money on an actual prediction,” US-Bookies notes.
“In order to solve this problem, we need structural change, we need policy change,” said Andrea Downing, a security researcher and privacy rights advocate who started a nonprofit for supporting online health communities called the Light Collective.
Jumaane Williams, a City Council member known for advocating police reform, spoke at the press conference.
Those advocating justice should first obey the rule of law themselves.
And they did so with a clear policy agenda, advocating for the needs of an affected community and trying to enact change.
Steinauer has a long history of advocating for change in abortion education from within medical institutions themselves.
The measures these women are advocating will pass, Pelosi said.
I was requested to write a periodical advocating and unifying under our political belief, the national feelings.
“I bet they been advocating the taking of us in,” chuckled Jimmy.
Every one of the Senators, so the Parisians suggested, had 30,000 francs' worth of reasons for advocating the change.
These two noblemen were accused of advocating other designs which were very obnoxious to the Roman Catholic party.
I am far from advocating a breaking down of the barrier between literary and vernacular speech.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.