noun as in trial
Strongest matches
effort, examination, experiment, investigation, probation, struggle, testing
Strong matches
analysis, assay, attempt, audition, check, crack, endeavor, essay, experience, experimentation, fling, go, hassle, lick, proof, shakedown, shot, stab, striving, try, tryout, undertaking, venture, whack, workout
Weak matches
dry run, R and D, research and development, test run, trial and error, trial run
verb as in display
Strongest matches
advertise, boast, demonstrate, disclose, emblazon, exhibit, expose, feature, flash, flaunt, illustrate, open, perform, present, promote, publish, represent, reveal, unveil
Strong matches
arrange, bare, betray, brandish, evidence, evince, expand, extend, flourish, glaze, grandstand, impart, manifest, model, parade, promulgate, sport, uncover, unfold, unfurl, unmask, unroll, vamp
Weak matches
bring to view, lay bare, lay out, make clear, make known, open out, set out, show off, spread out, stretch out, trot out
verb as in exhibit
Strongest matches
advertise, demonstrate, display, evince, express, feature, flaunt, illustrate, indicate, manifest, reveal, show
Strong matches
air, brandish, disclose, disport, evidence, expose, flash, mark, offer, parade, proclaim
Weak matches
let it all hang out, make clear, make plain, ostend, parade wares, roll out, show and tell, show off, strut stuff, trot out, wave around
verb as in flaunt
verb as in manifest
Strongest matches
Strong matches
confirm, declare, display, establish, evidence, evince, expose, express, exteriorize, externalize, flash, incarnate, mark, materialize, objectify, parade, personalize, personify, proclaim, show, sport, strut, substantiate, suggest, utter, vent, voice
Weak matches
let it all hang out, ostend, personize, set forth, show and tell, wave around
Example Sentences
They showcase their eCommerce or software expertise in the value proposition, so you know where they stand.
One show on NTWRK, for example, featured jeweler Ben Baller, who showcased a $175 gold plated scale from his collection.
This means that, while you’re probably already competing against other businesses in the search results, you might also be competing against yourself and not showcasing your best work.
She’s helped her friends make Carrds, created LGBTQ resources with Carrds, and even created Carrds to showcase her art for school projects.
Today it unveils a website, Primer Labs, that showcases three NLP systems it built in the past year and allows anyone to upload any text to play around with the tech.
In the film, Foxx is able to showcase his singing, knack for comedy and all-around versatility.
They are striking, incredibly elaborate, and they showcase the work of some of the most gifted artists in the world.
Did you feel like, with Hello Ladies, you wanted your own showcase—your own Curb, so to speak?
Bringing women leaders who are changing the world to our state to showcase them.
A Fox News contributor went so far as to showcase the many brands of boot available to our troops.
One day the customer came in as usual, laid his nickel on the showcase, and called for his stale loaves.
As he said this the poor fellow broke down, bowed his head on the showcase, and cried like a child.
Little Jim scampered across the aisle and stood on tiptoe peering into a showcase.
Lapin demanded as he strode up to the showcase and pulled out the costume indicated by Elkan.
Lapin paused in his progress toward his office and even as he did so Elkan's eyes strayed to a glass-covered showcase.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.