noun as in curlicue, decoration
Strongest matches
verb as in grow, prosper
Weak matches
be on top of heap, bear fruit, come along, get ahead, get on, go great guns, hit it big, live high on hog, make out
Example Sentences
Tatel’s writing is sparse and not prone to rhetorical flourishes.
We will not even speak of lattices and other decorative flourishes.
The Switch does not lack visual innovation or artistic flourishes necessary to create inarguably beautiful games whose visuals fully justify playing them on a really big-screen TV.
In fact it was just those flourishes — seen as revolutionary at the time — that reportedly turned off old-school members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ documentary branch.
Roasted red peppers and an orange shellfish emulsion lend color to the classic, which is staged in a blue bowl for even more flourish.
More: He derives genuine pleasure from watching something he created flourish.
Her father gazes back at her happily, tips his hat, and bows with a flourish.
He has a lean, crackling energy about him, a sense of dramatic flourish, a resonant voice that is not unaware of its own music.
This fact was revealed with a flourish during a Life Lesson on the importance of discretion, which is a story for another day.
Jazz festivals flourish by tapping into this allure of jazz—but increasingly fill their stages with artists from other genres.
In such conditions many kinds which do not flourish very freely in the open garden, grow into handsome specimens.
He bowed, with a flourish of his plumed hat, and would with that have taken his departure but that the Seneschal stayed him.
Virginia leaf still continues to flourish, and to-day it is the great agricultural product of the State.
That is, the number of them cut short, and reduced to few, shall flourish in abundance of justice.
Socialism, like every other impassioned human effort, will flourish best under martyrdom.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.