adjective as in health-giving
Example Sentences
How much time it takes to see salubrious effects of plant-based diets is different from one symptom to another and from person to person.
Therein lies the hair of the dog that proves salubrious after the Clinton binge.
I assume the salubrious desert climate wasn't the attraction.
The months which immediately followed the arrival of the new comers were the coolest and most salubrious of the year.
The climate of Avignon, though so strangely inveighed against by Petrarch, is at once healthy and salubrious.
At eight oclock, he calls again for the few hours of darkness, so that both day and night are tempered by his salubrious presence.
It is situated on a high hill, bounded by a large lake of the most salubrious water, called Peutla by the natives.
"It is levied on every one who chooses to export himself from these salubrious shores," I explained.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.