adjective as in healing, curing
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Safety Commission Chief Operating Officer Sharmila Samarasinghe said Tuesday the commission has approved 20 of 21 corrective action plans Metro was required to submit after the audit.
Funnel analysis can also help you spot barriers that are inhibiting conversions so that you can take corrective action.
In April of 2019, Clarke and Wyden introduced a bill, the Algorithmic Accountability Act, that would require big companies to audit their machine-learning systems for bias and take corrective action in a timely manner if such issues were identified.
MiSight 1 day corrective contact lenses are the first to slow the pace in children at the critical ages 8 to 12, when myopia is typically diagnosed and still relatively mild.
Beyond benchmarks for measuring progress, safety commission members asked Samarasinghe who would hold Metro accountable for making the necessary changes once its corrective action plans are approved.
As far as I was concerned, once I had corrective surgery I was just a female.
As a cultural corrective, Hayes is currently touring in a one-man show titled Riding the Midnight Express with Billy Hayes.
Corrective action was taken to address this issue swiftly.
No matter: The Creation of Anne Boleyn is a welcome corrective to the myths and misconceptions.
And the rational corrective is invariably slow and painstaking.
Its increasing independence of the ostensible career makes it the organ of corrective criticism; it accumulates disturbing energy.
The only check or corrective is, constant verification by psychological and ethological laws.
But a splendid corrective came soon afterwards in the crowning naval victory of Trafalgar.
Often intellectual labor is the true antidote and corrective of this state of feeling.
The readiest and surest corrective for the excessive greed of our girls for society is to carry on the system of co-education.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.