noun as in counteracting agent
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“It’s a viewer-safe antidote to all the vitriol and negativity,” Schiller said.
The antidote would be some form of automatic voter registration, where everyone who turns 18 or becomes a naturalized citizen is automatically enrolled.
All of the spores — the yeast’s gametes — get the poison, but only those that inherit certain gene versions also get an antidote.
The genes, known as wtf genes, produce both a poison and an antidote.
The platform’s debut comes nine years after CEO Eric Ries, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, proposed its creation in his book The Lean Startup as an antidote to the usual market pressures to pursue short-term results.
It would be inaccurate though to call SIX a direct antidote to ALEC.
On the surface, Krampus is a great antidote to the Rockettes and Black Friday.
I highly doubt that anyone not already in a state of despair would look to war as an antidote to Godlessness.
Reformers understood that constructive societal evolution was the antidote to socialist revolution.
“Accelerate this process,” said Royce, adding that the Free Syrian Army is the antidote to the ongoing expansion of ISIS in Syria.
They affirmed it was an antidote to all poison; that it expelled rheums, sour humours, and obstructions of all kinds.
Another poet of the fifth century recommends the mystical charm as an antidote to diseases of cattle.
Nevertheless, there is a certain frame of mind to which a cemetery is, if not an antidote, at least an alleviation.
To minds of a different description, the only antidote to this corruption of language is predication.
Again and again the snake bites the iguana, and as often the latter has recourse to the counteracting influences of the antidote.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.