verb as in ransack, search
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Another leaned forward at that point to rummage in her bag for a mint.
Malamo Voulgaropoulou, a former singer now in her 80s, is one of many pensioners who rummage through dumpsters for food.
Previously, Anderson had enraged Hoover by assigning a reporter to rummage through his trash at home.
She arose to go, then sat down again and said, "I hope you will be able to attend our Rummage Sale."
Utterly irrelevantly, Stanton brushed him aside, and began to rummage anxiously among the books on his table.
Mzli laid both books on the lion skin and began to rummage through her pockets.
Then—for I was fretting to see and rummage over my new home with a measuring tape in my hands—we arranged to drive over.
It would be meritorious not to leave a trace of pious men who rummage in your stomachs!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.