noun as in mystery
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It’s the most crucial attribute shared by almost every puzzler I’ve met.
One reason these folks haven’t given up on Kryptos is because puzzlers are okay with being wrong.
"Well, if this isn't a puzzler, I don't know what is," observed Grif.
Rice plunged his hands deeper into both pockets and shook himself like a mastiff, satisfied that the boy had got a puzzler now.
The picture seems a puzzler to all who watch it, and as the crowd is great the confusion of wits is catching.
We are at a loss as to how he came into the empty house; indeed, the whole affair is a puzzler.
The next scene was a puzzler, for in came another animal, on all-fours this time, with a new sort of tail and long ears.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.