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“The whole thing is a classic whodunit,” says Melinda Zeder.

And, unlike most whodunits, no one gets what they deserve in the end.

A hapless but sympathetic cop, PC Calvin Bridge, is put on the case, and Bauer proceeds to spin out a terrific whodunit from the vantage points of both men.

A traditional forensic investigation begins with a classic question: Whodunit?

In a modern whodunit, a woman struggles to identify the true culprit of those mysterious iTunes credit card charges.

Just what that is—and whodunit—remains the overarching plot that carries an electric current throughout the action.

Christine Pelisek talks to locals about the baffling whodunit.

I imagine, with crime and police procedurals, you need to know ahead of time whodunit?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


