noun as in daze
Example Sentences
A common reaction to stories of athlete mental health struggles is puzzlement.
Elation turned to puzzlement as six infected nuns who received infusions all died.
The inappropriate gift to the queen, an iPod loaded with 40 show tunes, provoked puzzlement.
In the aftermath, the euphoria of election night gave way to depression, anxiety, and genuine puzzlement.
In his old age he became an ardent spiritualist, much to my surprise and puzzlement, and he died in that faith.
Scientists began giving serious consideration to the unusual phenomenon, pottering around in the pits, wearing airs of puzzlement.
Much to the speaker's surprise, there followed an interval of silence, and his puzzlement showed in the knitting of his brows.
Mel knowed; a state of puzzlement or even a good mad's a mighty sight better than bein' all harrowed up and grief-stricken.
I was looked upon with some doubt, and scanned from hurrying cars with puzzlement.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.