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There are also administrative hurdles in determining precisely who’s eligible.

From Fortune

Its simplicity means it can be used to precisely test the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which explains how electrically charged particles interact.

Satellite monitoring that began in the early 1990s has let scientists precisely measure how fast ice moves across Antarctica.

But, as we shall see, when we examine how genetic material actually flows down through generations, it’s clear that even this process is far too tricky to be captured precisely in an individual case.

If the calculations enable researchers to precisely predict what this graviton noise looks like, he thinks their odds of discovery are better — although still rather unlikely.

But perhaps it is precisely for this reason that the rediscovery of Dietrich von Hildebrand could not come at a better time.

The Sony Hack is precisely the sort of thing that would be made into a Hollywood movie—if it weren't happening to Hollywood.

Yet that is precisely what President Obama and more specifically the immigration lobby is asking Americans to do.

His deficiencies and self-doubts, amid his epochal mission of liberation, are precisely what make him interesting.

Indeed, a common racial slur in Dutch is, precisely, roetmop, which means soot mop.

Precisely here is found the key to the operation of the economic society in which we live.

Mademoiselle caught it, and Garnache caught it too, although he failed to interpret it as precisely as he would have liked.

He bought it instantly, and then seized upon precisely such a "long white thing" of ermine as he had seen in his mind's eye.

The body of a young woman was found in the compound outside my bungalow, done to death in precisely the same way.

Many years afterwards precisely similar bits for boring wood were patented as new things, and are still used.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


