adverb as in carefully
Strongest matches
adverb as in nervously
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Weak match
Example Sentences
Although normally reluctant to speak in class because it makes her anxious, she decided she had to say something.
As they waited weeks or months to be released to sponsors, they grew anxious about their mounting immigration debts, desperate to get out and work so their relatives back home didn’t suffer the consequences of a loan default.
If you’ve been primed to believe the election was going to be riddled with fraud, and are anxious about the uncertainty of the results, you might seek out information confirming that belief.
Though it is counterintuitive, our busted-up, anxious and bizarre 2020 sports calendar may have meant more to many of us than the normal ones in any other year of our lives.
A failed bank robber holds a group of anxious strangers as hostages.
Dozens of tearful family members huddled at the Surabaya and Singapore airports, anxiously awaiting news of loved ones.
They eye the door anxiously, convinced that at any moment, a Pakistani or Iranian intelligence officer will come barging in.
She had been there as my mother and I sat with him around the clock, sleeping by his bedside, anxiously checking his vitals.
As much as she wants Four, she anxiously awaits the physical intimacy that this desire is pushing her towards.
The couple, rattled, laughed anxiously, trying to steer the conversation back to dollars and cents.
"If you please, I want to give you a note," said the child, anxiously searching a small pocket.
Mr. Meadow Mouse replied a bit anxiously, for Grandfather Mole sounded none too pleasant.
In fact, his whole appearance was so alarming that Davy anxiously inquired of him what he had been eating.
He took her arm and led her away, looking anxiously and continuously down into her face.
We now caught the trade wind, that blows from the east, and is anxiously desired by all sailors.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.