adverb as in unmistakably
Example Sentences
Obviously, the first obligation of all liberal democratic governments is to enforce the rule of law.
Obviously, not all the original cast can come back or even have the desire.
Yes, the original Bond, as imagined by Ian Fleming, was obviously white.
Just because two pieces of malware share a common ancestry, it obviously does not mean they share a common operator.
Since filming the show, however, her relationship with classical music has obviously changed.
Obviously a tremendous question arises here as to how a story should be found in Genesis xiv.
For Lettice—the tender woman of his first acquaintance—had obviously experienced a moment of reaction.
Beside autocratic kingship it shines with a white light; it is obviously the portal of the future.
This paper was noted here and there on the margin, and had been obviously carefully read.
The reasons for its adoption were, and are, still obviously wise, although not necessitous.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.