verb as in standardize
Example Sentences
Complacency and procrastination are our worst enemies here and only work to institutionalize inequity.
“I’ve found it helpful to institutionalize taking days off after big, emotionally draining assignments,” said Wang.
He was institutionalized from ages 7 to 14 and said he was arrested for the first time when he was 10, for arson.
FERA ended in 1935 as new legislation institutionalized its roles in agencies that would function beyond the immediate disaster of the Depression.
The party was built to institutionalize power but it wasn’t well built to protect that power.
Better institutionalize me a second time...” and “Academia is going to have to get used to a bit of immoderate tweeting.
Her parents were told to institutionalize her, but thankfully, they bucked the conventional advice.
Like Carver, Borlaug then sought to institutionalize his breakthroughs.
Therefore, any impulse to institutionalize the exclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood will be a catastrophe.
Fourth, Rapid Dominance aims to achieve new levels of operational competence that can virtually institutionalize "brilliance."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.