adjective as in coherent
Strongest matches
comprehensible, consistent, intelligible, logical, lucid, meaningful, orderly, rational, reasoned, systematic
Weak matches
adjective as in discovered
Strong matches
ascertained, disinterred, espied, explored, learned, observed, opened, originated, perceived, presented, recognized, revealed, shown, sighted, spotted, unearthed, unlocked, unveiled
Weak matches
adjective as in established
Strong matches
achieved, ascertained, assured, authenticated, corroborated, demonstrated, determined, guaranteed, objectified, proved, substantiated, upheld, validated, verified
Weak matches
adjective as in recognized
adjective as in synonymous
Strongest matches
Weak matches
alike, apposite, coincident, convertible, correspondent, corresponding, equal, like, same, similar, synonymic, tantamount
Example Sentences
Donors must also work together to identify which countries are being left behind and then find a way to fill the gaps.
A March report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute identified four alleged instances in which labor from the Xinjiang region has been connected to Apple’s supply chain.
Police identified the victim as Marcella Johnson, 59, with addresses in Southeast and Northwest Washington.
Jensen thinks Bjerg’s strengths as player, which he identified as consistency and being “really good at understanding the right way to play the game” will translate to coaching.
The report did not identify a cause of the suspected false positives, and LabGenomics officials did not return requests for information.
Ten of the callers identified the man as Jason Polanco of the Bronx.
Yet only 24 percent of the 3,892 femicides the group identified in 2012 and 2013 were looked at by authorities.
Like him, they identified the Airbus A320 as an airplane extremely well fitted to low cost airline operations in Asia.
Mr. Bachner found it by wandering through the market and identified a craftsmen here who works in a tiny booth.
He sometimes surmised that it was because he was too outspokenly identified with the diminished liberal wing of the party.
As a rule, however, even in the case of extreme varieties, a careful examination of the specimen will enable it to be identified.
He bore a distinguished part in the war in South Carolina, and was closely identified with the early history of the state.
The spirillum of relapsing fever can be identified by the method for the malarial parasite in fresh blood.
A mortgage made of an unfinished article will hold the article when finished if it can be identified.
When considerable numbers are present, they can be detected and often identified in cover-glass smears.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.