adjective as in remembered
Strong match
Weak match
Example Sentences
“It was Stephen Hawking and five other Nobel laureates,” Krauss recalled.
In an interview with ESPN, Jaffe recalled his initial meeting with Stuart Scott.
“When he put me on the phone, I talked to her, and told her, ‘Moses was working on writing stuff,’” he recalled.
He recalled for Koenig how scared Jay was the night he was picked up by cops—though not of the police, but of Adnan.
“All the lights were off,” the deliveryman recalled from his food order he brought over early on Friday.
He desired his secretary to go to the devil, but, thinking better of it, he recalled him as he reached the door.
She suddenly sank back upon the pillow and gave up to bitter anguish, when she recalled what had followed.
She sat down and recalled the conversation with her new friend, giving an amused little shudder.
A little laugh behind me recalled me to my real place, and with a burning face I turned.
To avoid discovery, David recalled Uriah from the war, and bade him go home to his wife.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.