adjective as in evident, obvious
adjective as in brilliant, shining
adjective as in clear, transparent
adjective as in clearheaded, sensible
Example Sentences
Because Woods was lucid, had no odor of alcohol and gave off no evidence of having used medication or narcotics, Gonzalez did not administer a field sobriety test or call in a drug-recognition expert to assess Woods, Villanueva said.
This quirk allows lucid dreamers to use eye movements to communicate with the outside world.
The writing is largely lucid and succinct, but repetitive in places.
This visualization exercise, similar to lucid dreaming — the act of dreaming consciously — can enable us to cope better with our concerns about death and inspire us about our futures.
I remember the feeling of relief when I came around the corner to see he was alive and lucid, followed by my dread when I realized he was in immense pain.
Joseph Heller called it the “most stirring and lucid account of World War II that I have ever read.”
Compact and precise—just 172 pages of text and 23 pages of notes—the book is a model of lucid historical writing.
This “lucid interval” is found in nearly half of all cases of epidural hematoma (Bullock, Neurosurgery, 2006).
I would look at the rest of his work to see if he was interested in lucid dreaming.
My old boss has produced a highly readable, engaging, lucid book on practical economics.
If I selected lucid and simple extracts, they would give no idea of the intricacy and prolixity of Duns.
Again, he may have lucid intervals during which he is quite as capable of contracting as other persons.
Again an insane person may make a will provided this is done during a lucid interval.
This plan was developed by Mr. Goulburn, in a lucid and able speech, on the 8th of March.
A lucid, correct, harmonious, style—they have forgotten what it means—what virtue there is in it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.