adjective as in understandable
Example Sentences
Voice Tweets should be no different, and your audio ambassador should always listen carefully to ensure that each tweet conveys a simple and coherent message that exemplifies your brand.
The most discussed breakthrough has been OpenAI’s GPT-3, which can generate long passages of coherent prose from a human-written prompt of just a line or two.
While extolling the benefits of a coherent localized marketing strategy, the study identifies a number of common operational barriers to effective tactical execution.
Most often, a gravitational wave is produced in a “coherent state,” which is akin to ripples on a pond.
According to Bishop, because populations living in areas controlled by non-state armed groups have extremely limited access to testing, coherent statistical information about the extent of the pandemic there is unavailable.
He said the failure to develop a coherent immigration policy would have a devastating impact.
The story of the fire was certainly not complete, but it was at least coherent, and three of our halftones adorned Page 1.
Eventually, ISIS will collapse as a coherent and effective force.
This is a thematically coherent collection of well-crafted pop songs, expertly played by accomplished musicians.
These portentous rumblings aside, no coherent position on ectogenesis has emerged so far within the pro-life movement.
And our surroundings at that particular moment were not the most favorable to coherent thought or plausible theory-building.
The frightened maid ceased to scold in her polyglot way and grew coherent.
She appeared to wander in her mind, for sometimes her words were coherent, at other times she merely babbled.
Coherent memory resumes with the noise the warriors made in returning to the camp.
If I can manage to be rationally coherent, I shall be more than satisfied.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.