adjective as in probable, reasonable
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There are also a few logical arguments in favor of going for it.
For them, a model “is just a way of understanding a particular process or a particular question we’re interested in,” Kucharski said, “and working through the logical implications of our assumptions.”
In a room with six exits, it seems like the most logical course of action would be for the crowd to divide evenly among all six.
When the Shakepeare Theatre left, the logical choice would have been to stick to more historical work — to look backward.
If we take this logical and strategic perspective, we can be more efficient in vaccine delivery and enjoy our normal activities much sooner.
Following this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, the way to achieve world peace is to give everyone atomic bombs.
Taken to its logical conclusion, the “not me” judgment can lead us to regard other human beings as not human at all!
If the certainty of the wisdom of uncertainty is itself uncertain, the force of the definition crumbles by logical standards.
The declaration of war against ISIS, then, would seem to be a logical next step.
If you were emotionalized, you saw him clearly as the Fuhrer, but anyone who was reasonable and logical was seen as the enemy.
Pedantic, unimaginative and presumptuous, Theobald was the logical choice for a Dunce King in 1728.
Aunt Ri was a privileged character, but her logical method of questioning was inconvenient.
Probably, he did not discover this consciously for himself: the result, in any case, was logical and obvious.
The logical, thorough reasoning behind the content of the Declaration is easily apparent.
Some of it, I knew, he discarded because it didn't sound logical, but other parts seemed to make an impression on him.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.