Example Sentences
It’s unclear exactly how the deal will be structured, or if Oracle will be given access to the app’s coveted algorithm.
Going forward, Oceanside’s city manager said she’ll be relying on community members to guide her, but she plans to keep those people anonymous until after her decision is made, leaving it unclear who is influencing her in the process.
Lorson is now pulling together two groups of community panelists to interview candidates and guide her decision, she said, but she plans to keep those groups anonymous until the decision is made, leaving it unclear who is influencing her decision.
It’s unclear whether the participant who fell ill had two doses or one.
What’s unclear is how the company will handle misinformation about election results from users.
But how much they have regained or how durable their hold is remains unclear.
Exactly why is unclear; their previous hacks seem to have just been for the Lulz (laughs in Internet-speak) and the attention.
Exactly what these bills would do, however, is a little unclear.
Indeed, it's unclear what, if any, benefits the average Cuban will reap from increased diplomacy between the two countries.
It remains unclear whether Qatari authorities intervened or the organizers decided to close up shop because of media attention.
Unfortunately it proved impossible to provide long descriptions for the diagrams, because the originals were unclear or illegible.
For it is as false in experience and as unclear in thinking as could well be imagined.
He entitles one of his little works "Monistic Thought," but shows himself on its pages as a very unclear dualist.
Greek accents are often unclear and (apart from rough-breathing marks) have been omitted.
The text includes a large number of marginal notes that are printed in small font and are sometimes unclear.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.