adjective as in justifiable
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Cheney’s position is both defensible and has been defended — but more than 60 of her colleagues voted Wednesday night to strip her of her role.
Using a challenge on that particular play, which wasn’t close to being overturned, was terrible judgment but defensible strategy.
A highly functional shot of protein, shelf-stable and cheap, it seemed morally defensible as long as it sported the logos certifying that it was dolphin-safe and sustainably fished.
Nicole Capretz, executive director of the Climate Action Campaign, said she expects the new board to finally develop a legally defensible Climate Action Plan that meets state goals to reduce carbon emissions.
So this dual focus has been made clear and is ethically defensible, which helps in garnering the support of citizens – who are, after all, the voters.
He also believed, as a matter of political prudence, that the commercials had to be defensible on matters of fact.
The change could be defensible, but Justice Stevens does not offer any detailed defense of this change.
What the president has offered may not be ideal, but it is entirely defensible in terms of the real, the possible, and the fair.
This decision was, in many ways, brave (not just in the Sir Humphrey sense) and defensible, but it came at a price.
Both statements are technically defensible (and could conceivably reflect my thinking).
Considering the modes of ancient warfare, Egypt was one of the most defensible countries in the world.
The result of this movement would of course be to bring the train into a compact mass and render it more defensible.
On the other hand, the Turks had just as much fear of entering there, for the position was eminently defensible.
By repairing the rents in the walls, Rome might yet be made defensible.
He repaired the fortifications of Jaffa and Cæsarea, and assisted the Templars in putting the country into a defensible state.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.