adjective as in efficient
Strongest matches
adjective as in logical
Strongest matches
adjective as in ordered
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in ratiocinative
Weak matches
- analytic
- analytical
- clear
- cogent
- coherent
- commonsensical
- compelling
- congruent
- consequent
- consistent
- convincing
- deducible
- discerning
- discriminating
- extensional
- fair
- germane
- holding together
- holding water
- inferential
- intelligent
- judicious
- juridicious
- justifiable
- legit
- legitimate
- lucid
- most likely
- necessary
- obvious
- perceptive
- perspicuous
- pertinent
- plausible
- rational
- relevant
- sensible
- sound
- subtle
- telling
- valid
- wise
adjective as in together
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The absence of a well-organized cult does not mean the absence of ritualized abuse.
The well-organized inhabitants of Doel are sure that becoming an outdoor art mecca will save it from bulldozers.
Just feet away, in a well-organized but congested bedroom, crates and terrariums and other enclosures stack from floor to ceiling.
“There are those kinds of groups, but they are small, not well organized and do not play a major role,” he said.
In the months since then, a well-organized “Campaign to Stop Killer Robots” has gained momentum.
In the interior they established a fairly well-organized military government.
However arbitrary, there are certain policies that regulate all well organized institutions and corporate bodies.
Of these, not a few were hostile to the administration, which also had to contend with a well-organized opposing political party.
Certainly no other brought such complete ruin upon a large and well-organized body of troops.
The Party of Freedom is not yet well organized; that of Slavery is in admirable order and discipline.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.