adjective as in concurring, happening together
Example Sentences
MeerKAT sees a small blob of radio emission in the center of the ring, which is coincident with a distant galaxy.
Referencing incidents that spurred the divorce filing, the judge wrote that there was a “pattern of domestic abuse occurring coincident to the initiation of this case.”
He knew that the coincident clicks came from cosmic rays, charged particles from space that bang into air molecules in the sky, triggering particle showers that rain down to the ground.
The federal deficit has never fallen as fast as it's falling now without a coincident recession.
His first hard struggle for deliverance was coincident with his last hour of earthly peace.
And coincident with the same, she became the recipient of numerous offers from almost everywhere.
Almost coincident with the last stroke came the sweeter note of a silver gong from somewhere close at hand.
The events which led to their conviction were curiously coincident.
The little uplift of mood, coincident with the rifling of Riggs's person, had not worn over to this evening camp.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.