hold forth
verb as in declaim
verb as in discourse
verb as in discuss
Strong matches
verb as in harangue
Strongest matches
verb as in lecture
verb as in narrate
verb as in patter
verb as in recite
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in speak
verb as in spout
Example Sentences
Suddenly you can hold forth about leading and kerning and other esoteric aspects of typesetting.
Urbanski can hold forth on the inanity of man-made climate change like a pro.
Then a loud voice silenced us all, and Joe Pidgeon, our great logician, began to hold forth.
Subsequent interviews between Cond and the envoys of Charles seemed to hold forth some hopes of peace.
For many years Pastor Spener had been used to hold forth on sins and vanities at this hour before twilight.
She led the way to the dock, where they sat down in the moored rowboat, and Louise began to hold forth.
Lepany, who evidently relished every chance of showing off, fell into a picturesque attitude and prepared to hold forth.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.