verb as in talk over with another
Strong matches
Example Sentences
This is something that Tom Vanderbilt discussed in his Nautilus feature, “Learning Chess at 40,” in which he reports what it was like taking up the game with his four-year-old daughter.
That said, Keith Weed has another, more practical objection to the research we’ve been discussing.
Under Besso’s influence, the Olympians read and discussed Mach.
Thanks to these cloud platforms, they are not only discussing and providing some insight or information or guidance, but they can really co-design with those guys.
The law says not to discuss what’s going on inside an investigation.
He then discusses the necessary permissions needed to enter.
In one particularly affecting monologue, AJ discusses his frustration and troubles upon returning to the US.
In her new book Not That Kind of Girl she openly discusses her views on feminism.
Still, the documentary never discusses how the Haywards initially handled her coming out.
Lena Dunham discusses it all—and then some—in her brutally honest, sharply funny memoir, ‘Not That Kind of Girl.’
The commentary is not very helpful, and discusses collateral questions rather than the dream itself.
He discusses details indeed; he proposes no mere adventure, real as was his personal enjoyment of danger and action.
The first page mentioned discusses the introduction of phenolphthalein into medicine.
They had three theories on the subject, which Herodotus mentions and discusses.
Its bearings on the Masoretic text, therefore, are profoundly important and interesting; these Dr. Ginsburg discusses.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.