noun as in ease of expression
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Based on an idea his “Place Beyond the Pines” collaborator Derek Cianfrance once had, Marder says Ruben’s journey is ultimately that of a hearing person, but the part needed the actor to develop a degree of fluency in ASL allowing for improvisation.
OpenAI’s technical paper is fairly reserved on this larger question, but to many, the sheer fluency of the system feels as though it might be a significant advance.
My own personal opinion is that there are few things more valuable in the modern world than “data fluency.”
It seems to me that the years we now devote to topics like geometry and trigonometry would be better spent focusing on achieving data fluency.
The College Board has quietly been leading the charge on data fluency.
But fluency and being able to talk to Hispanics are two entirely different matters.
Moreover, uneducated Americans have a competitive advantage because of their fluency in English.
After playing a golf game, candidates scored lower on the swearing fluency test, only being able to recall seven expletives.
Miller certainly has fluency both around a microphone and around the big ideas that campaigns are supposed to be about.
That might surprise people, I say, his books are written with such warm fluency.
He was the prince of travelling companions, always gay and sprightly, and spoke French with great fluency.
I think I shall never hammer anything out; and afterwards people praise the fluency and ease of the writing!
He spoke with much natural fluency, and his conversation abounded with a variety of curious anecdotes.
"Not much," returned the other, speaking with great fluency, although his foreign accent was strongly marked.
The style of this author wants ease and fluency; but the good matter which his work contains, makes compensation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.