Example Sentences
She plans to hold movie nights, where they’ll gather in the living room to catch a flick.
His latest film, Bad Hair, is a horror flick about a bloodsucking weave that has political relevance you may not expect.
It allowed content creators to shoot their footage with two distinct looks, which viewers could seamlessly switch with the flick of a wrist.
If you’re looking to eventually control your entire house with a flick of the wrist, you’ll be looking for completely different functionality.
The ongoing earthly presence of the enormous shark persists in our collective imagination thanks to rumors, legends, and summer B flicks.
Craig is signed on for just one more Bond flick after Spectre.
And who better to do that with than the actress who is playing the object of said (alleged) lesbian affection in the flick?
But the little-known stories behind the making of the film are almost as fascinating as the flick itself.
You and Nic Cage are basically having a contest in that flick of who can go further.
Franco optioned the tome back in March 2011, and will star and direct the flick.
Tell you what I did over in Chattanooga—in red-hot midsummer, too, said Flick, in a burst of confidence.
Im too sober, said Flick, with a discouraged shake of his head, as though to convey the idea that the day had been too short.
Im beginning to feel like the Fourth of July, said Flick, who gave in completely with this last display of magnificence.
No peace on earth, no good-will to men, said Flick, seeing the idea and almost moved to tears.
Flick Wilder now began to return, talking violently and flopping about in the last stages of a nightmare.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.