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noun as in film

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Lohse rushes Sigma Alpha Epsilon, gets a bid, endures pledge term, and then submits to the dehumanizing rigors of Hell Night.

Fortunately,once projects are proven to be viable, Wall Street rushes in.

At this point, Franco says an abrupt “goodbye”  and rushes off to the theater for a matinee performance.

Traffic is still dense along Hicks Street but no one rushes him.

The title poem rushes forward with a gorgeous hydraulic motion, as if Proust had been sped up and turned into a Town Car.

The bride elect rushes up to him, and so they both step down to the foot-lights.

The audience is still applauding his last song, and he rushes back through the faded green velvet portières to bow his thanks.

The royal brute rushes among the spectators and makes for the King's throne.

The rushes becoming dangerous, Waterboer and his party commenced firing, and the battle became general.

The river pool commenced to blacken, while flowering rushes tossed their shivering heads and murmured.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


