noun as in pyrotechnic display at celebrations
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Example Sentences
More clumsily, fireworks stand in for the Big Bang and a potato and peas are invoked to explain relativity.
More fireworks followed the first, and the metal barriers rattled.
We sat on the grass, in the hot twilight, watching the fireworks burst in patriotic showers of light over Independence.
“The U.S. celebrates the day it became independent every year with fireworks rather than sorrow,” he said.
I remember my father leaving our July 4th fireworks party to go to Rome where my grandfather died.
Then there was dancing and singing under the palm-trees by old and young, and when evening came there were displays of fireworks.
To make matters worse it was discovered that the paper wrappings of the fireworks in the box were on fire.
It was about ten years before the Civil War that “set pieces” began to form a part of fireworks celebrations.
Fireworks now enter into the celebration of every important event in our national, political and business life.
It is the tumult of the innumerable sight-seers walking about under the illumination and waiting for the fireworks display.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.