

View definitions for extinguished


adjective as in ruined

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He safely egressed the aircraft and the fire was extinguished.

Only Virginia warns her gently not to marry him—and her protection is brutally extinguished shortly thereafter by her suicide.

All the excitement of her rabble rousing had been suitably extinguished, along with our enthusiasm for this show.

After the blaze was extinguished, a retired cop came over with hot cocoa.

The carnage complete, the killers shouldered their Kalashnikovs, extinguished their headlamps, and receded into the moonlight.

She was a strong-souled, high-spirited girl, but tonight hope seemed extinguished in her breast.

How could eyes about to be extinguished for ever bear the light of two dear eyes in which the soul was only beginning to dawn?

The flame of organized insurrection was almost extinguished, but there still remained some dangerous embers.

Somebody was lighting a candle, which was at once extinguished when the door was open, and a gust of wind and rain swept in.

The lights were half extinguished, and a porter's voice cried, "Time's up, ladies and gentlemen!"


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


