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adjective as in beautifying

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That, of course, makes for an expensive endeavor, but “the tile becomes an interesting decorative layer in the room,” Ridder says.

A week later, I’d constructed a ten-by-six-foot L-shaped structure, bracketed by three posts crowned with old wood corbels—decorative supports—that I found in the junk pile.

Plants add a beautiful, elegant, and relaxing look to your home or office, and a festive decorative look to parties and gatherings.

These large, eye-catching, and decorative pieces will accentuate your space whilst educating and entertaining you and your guests.

The smaller, squatter size and decorative style make this a great option for small offices, or work-from-home spaces.

Decorative yes, but a daily handbag that will sweep through the closets of women worldwide?

The work at Art Basel is often interesting, often dull, and disproportionately decorative in nature.

Decorative value is largely incidental to artistic merit as defined by critics.

Having been taught Modernism, a school of thought that scoffs at the decorative, materials became his primary means of expression.

Undergarments did enjoy a brief moment of exposure in the 18th century, with the ruling class indulging in decorative corsets.

The painter breakfasting at the next table is hard at work on a decorative panel for a ceiling.

All decorative painting, carving, and inlaying is done by them; in short, they excel in all ingenious mechanical arts.

Over the wall was spread a coating of fine marble stucco for decorative purposes, which gave it a finish of dazzling white.

There is considerable decorative skill displayed in the edifice; but the work looks opaque and needs brightening up.

Silver, even, is less common in heavy decorative metal work than is solid gold.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


