noun as in habitual action
noun as in ritual, traditional action
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Trusted Media Brands’ edit integrations, for example, do not cost the same as custom content, Gier said, who declined to share specific prices.
It was just in January that Kristen took us along for the ride as she dove into the world of women’s custom suits.
The May rules ban any firm, American or not, from using American software or chipmaking equipment to create custom-made processors for Huawei.
Instead of shots of cohosts gallivanting around on holiday, for example, Insider’s custom productions now might rely on voice-overs on footage shot on location.
Investors certainly saw the loss of Huawei’s custom chips as MediaTek’s gain.
Through his company, consumers will be able to cheaply make custom DNA strands, including what Heinz calls “creatures.”
I spent half an hour measuring all around the president to get the 27 precise measurements I needed to craft a true custom suit.
He later told CNN that eating cat was a pre-war custom across Italy.
He slept in an upright position in a custom armchair, so the reasons for his lying down to sleep are open to speculation.
Fly a Union flag when custom dictates it should be the Royal Standard?
When his lordship retired early, as was his custom, the other men adjourned once more to the billiard-room.
When Cortez made conquest of Mexico in 1519 smoking seemed to be a common as well as an ancient custom among the natives.
But for the most part even industry and endowment were powerless against the inertia of custom and the dead-weight of environment.
In 1634 he also prohibited the landing of tobacco any where except at the quay near the custom house in London.
It has long been the custom for advertisers in the continental journals to typify their wares.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.