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Weak matches
Example Sentences
“Personally, I deal with manners of righteousness and God,” he says.
He declined to award £30 to Miss Manners for her taxi journey but awarded her £10 travel expenses.
He contacted police after receiving six text messages from Miss Manners during the five months to April.
In a bizarre twist to proceedings, Miss Manners sought to have her £30 cab fare from her Kensington flat to court refunded.
There are those, however, who don't equate sangfroid and good manners with maturity.
Smoking, the angry and fuming king protests, had made our manners as rude as those of the fish-wives of Dieppe.
Thomas Smith died; a learned English writer on the manners and religion of the Turks, &c.
His Characters, in imitation of Theophrastus, is a work of established excellence, and descriptive of the manners of that age.
Mrs. Pell was a very elegant and accomplished woman; her manners were the theme of universal admiration in our neighbourhood.
In those days fashions and manners differed greatly from those of to-day.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.