Example Sentences
“They came out of this having shown that they could respond to a crisis, and still do pretty darn well,” Lashinsky says, “which is pretty good for the brand of the NBA.”
You would want to have enough clinical efficacy data by the time of an EUA to be pretty darn certain.
You can buy off-brand winches pretty darn cheap, and this may be the best option if you’re rarely going to use it.
We had to re-create that from absolute scratch…I had it worn and patched and darned.
I thought, if I ever did my job like this as an entrepreneur and a businessperson, I would be fired pretty darn quickly.
But, darn it, here was a game of courage, passion, and skill.
If elected, his first goal for immigration would be to “build that darn fence.”
Given that their mating sessions can last up to 70 hours, their bedroom—well, cave—performances seem pretty darn impressive.
That myth is part of what makes March Madness so much darn fun.
Sadly, sometimes even the “good” guys can be pretty darn deceptive, shallow, and arrogant.
Well, he wouldn't sell the furniture—he'd just move it into another house, and give her a darn good scare.
Ruth could not darn the rent in her dress with this continual motion, and she looked up to remonstrate.
"I don't want any darn coffee," he growled, and sprawled himself stomach down on the bed, with his face turned from the light.
Such minute attention must be given the wardrobe to preserve it that I have learned to darn like an artist.
You can swear in churches, if folks are fools enough to let you, but darn me if you play double face here.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.