adjective as in damned
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Sometimes, fried food is the best food, New Year resolutions be darned.
Actually, the scene was so darned enthusiastic that it began to look a little like a raucous Walmart employee rally.
What did those darned Muslims give us other than grammar and algebra?
It can sometimes be stressful for viewers to watch Cyrus, because he always seems so darned stressed.
It does not therefore follow that the public would have enthusiastically embraced cap and trade if not for those darned skeptics.
Instead, I will call you “darned smart and really good-looking.”
And darned if each meteor didn't strike dead center of each plant network.
A female writer says, "Nothing looks worse on a lady than darned stockings."
Allow us to observe that stockings which need darning look much worse than darned ones—Darned if they don't!
"That's another o' them darned new-fangled machines that folks keep inventin'," remarked the man.
Cash and I tried to sleep on kitchen roof but the darned mosquitoes fed up on us and then played heavenly choir all night.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.