adjective as in shameful, bad in reputation
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The infamous Cutter pharmaceutical disaster of 1955 refers to the tragedy that occurred when companies rushed to produce the polio vaccines developed by Jonas Salk.
Though we tried to remember to take it out of the water and secure it to the top of the boat during the big rapids, it may or may not have taken a ride down the infamous Crystal while clipped to the outside of the rig.
It also mentions various cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes, such as the infamous OneCoin.
I think the most infamous example of this is in 2018 when Mark Zuckerberg testified to the Senate after the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
One particularly infamous hostile mob is a creeper, a dark green, frowning humanoid with a passion for blowing up.
The main effort in the attack was carried out by the infamous Waffen SS 6th Panzer Army.
Do they not recall the appalling ramifications of the infamous moment when Michelle Obama put her arm around the Queen in 2009?
A notably large Irish contingent took part in the infamous draft riots because they did not want to compete for jobs with blacks.
The most infamous case was that of Kanae Kijima, a onetime housekeeper who became a highly paid mistress.
The reality star bared her infamous behind on the cover of Paper magazine, and the web went wild.
For twenty years you hold an innocent and virtuous woman under an infamous suspicion.
The Jacobins now made a direct and infamous attempt to turn the rage of the populace against Madame Roland.
Those letters incriminate you to the full in this infamous matter here at Condillac.
He condoned the infamous conduct of the police officer Contenson.
Voltaire exerted himself as warmly against this infamous act, as he had against the execution of Calas.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.