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It also transformed him into a greedy and loathsome poison-breathing dragon that fled into the wilderness to jealously guard his ill-gotten riches.

The idea of a woman being in charge was so loathsome to the military that when it came to pass, in the person of Aung San Suu Kyi, the generals banned people from saying her name or displaying her picture.

From Time

Freddy Carter plays Kaz Brekker as loathsome and lovable in all the right ways—always emotionally removed, but with vulnerability simmering just beneath the surface.

After 90 minutes of cocktail time, I am at my loathsome best.

It is a festival of joy for being created this way after centuries of being told that we are sinful, loathsome, and disgusting.

I am sure that this happens, as loathsome as I know it to be.

Give them an anti-hero so loathsome it would be immoral to root for them, and then dare them to do just that.

After all, ragemongering bomb throwers thrive best when the oh-so-loathsome enemy is in power.

They poured into the ear of the humiliated queen the most revolting and loathsome execrations.

But the loathsome death of this brutal voluptuary soon delivered the church from the most implacable of its foes.

Because of a quibble on his part this loathsome thing would ruin his future, dash his hopes to the ground, blacken his life.

Next morning churning had again become loathsome, sweeping was hard work, and dinner was a barbarous institution.

Is it war, I ask you, to seek to poison the drinking water of an enemy, to send stalking into their midst some loathsome disease?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


